Tips For Editing Your Resume

Jul 03, 2023

According to the employment website Glassdoor, the average corporate job opening attracts 250 resumes. With that kind of volume, it’s little wonder that most resumes get looked at for 7 seconds or less.

If you’re looking for a new position, how can you increase the odds that a hiring manager will pay attention to your application long enough to appreciate what you have to offer?

Fortunately, there are many things you can do to make sure your resume gets read. Study these suggestions before you reply to another job listing.


Use these strategies:

  • Use keywords. As you probably know, many companies use artificial intelligence to screen applicants. Clear the first hurdle by including keywords those robots are looking for. You can often figure that out by copying the language in the job advertisement. 
  • Strengthen your summary.  Hiring managers are often pressed for time, so your summary may determine whether your resume lands in the reject pile or receives further consideration. Write a brief and compelling description of your background and what makes you an outstanding candidate.
  • Quantify your accomplishments. Numbers sound persuasive. Create bullet points that communicate your achievements with percentages and other statistics.
  • Simplify formatting. A little structure can make your resume easier to scan but avoid going overboard. Stick to a professional font, adequate white space, and helpful headings.
  • Ask for feedback. You may be so familiar with your resume that you overlook obvious typos. Ask a friend or family member to review it and tell you what they think. Read it out loud to see how well it flows.
  • Deliver it directly. Now that you’ve polished your resume guide it to someone who wants to see it. Use LinkedIn and other sources to find the name and position of an appropriate contact if it’s not given in the job listing.


Even if you're a star performer, you may have to work on your resume to be sure it gets read. Making it easier for employers to recognize your value will help you to land more interviews and job offers.